Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A small Victory indeed

Okay so after i was feeling guilty about the benadryl,

Peyton says to me this morning..." Mom can I go to bed tonight as early as I did last night?"

Me..."Sure baby, why are you still not feeling well?"....

Peyton "No mom I feel fine, I just feel so good today after all that rest last night."

Allelujah choir singing in the back ground.............AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

then of course dad has to chime in and remind him that tonight is "Wipeout" on needless to say no early bedtime for any of us's all good. I'm just glad he's feeling better.

1 comment:

  1. see, all of that benedryl worked! you know "those parents" do it all the time!

    i'm so glad you're bloggin now!
