Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wow.....has everyone been this busy???

Feels like ages since i've had the opportunity to sit down, think a minute (without interruption) and just blog...

CHRISTmas has come and gone.......

A new year will be here tomorrow night.

We had a great Christmas, the boys were happy with what Santa brought and what mom and dad were able to find too.  Peyton was happy to once again assume his position as Santa Tracker and followed NORAD to see when the jolly fellow was coming our ensure a proper bedtime, of course

Cookies were once again placed for Santa's delight.....although Dad thought he might enjoy one of my homemade fruit bars, so we tried it out this year and low and behold he loved them.

This year Cooper's instructions were "Half clothes and Half toys, got it?"  LOUD AND CLEAR SON!!  He was happy that Santa and his parents obliged......a new sleeping bag, really cool water bottle, baseball bat and glove, a new football and a really cool camoflauged airsoft gun complete with holster and bullets

Peyton on the other hand didn't really care as long as the presents were under the tree.....

a set of perfect push-ups and an iron gym, mammoth crocs, bakugans....this kid was happy.....way to go Santa, ya did awesome again this year!!

It wasn't a Christmas tree filled with hundreds of presents,
but Nanny and Pawpaw were here,
 so was the spirit of giving as well as receiving and the most important part was the spirit of Christ....

Thank you Lord for one more blessed year, thank you for not abandoning us, for always being there to provide for us in ways we can't begin to imagine, but most importantly for the gift of your Son.

Thank you for CHRISTmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wow.....has everyone else been this busy??

I've been wanting to write for two weeks and haven't had the time.....
is everyone this busy??

I had a Christmas Party,4th grade field trip, karate competition, church, another Christmas, kids, babysitting, the gym.....sheesh....

but the best part of it is.....3 1/2 more days and then over 2 weeks of VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had so many pictures to post, so many cute things to write...but this is all time would allow.

oh well, til next week when I can play catch up.  Everyone have a great week, Blessed Christmas and as the somewhat cheesy but so true of a saying goes..."Remember Jesus IS the reason for THIS season".....oh how I'm so thankful for that gift.