Tuesday, October 27, 2009

obligation, schmobligation.

Today I feel like I'm an "Obligation"

I HATE, HATE, HATE that feeling.....do ME no favors.  If it wasn't for my beautful, wonderful, innocent two boys, I would speak my peace.

That being said, I can't.

)@(*#&$)(*%R(*@&#)($&&@#($*&@(*#&$(*@^T)(*^%_@*#&%(*@#%(^  is what I really want to say, but I can't


Why do we let people affect us the way they do????

Why does it seem like some people are strong enough and or just dont care enough to speak their peace.

Why can't I be that way???

Oh well, God just help cleanse my lips, purify my heart and let my actions speak louder than my words, because right now my words are not pleasing to anyone's ears....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My God is an AWESOME GOD.....

"the steps of a righteous man (child or woman) are ordered of the Lord".......heard that before?? 

I have COUNTLESS times and until today hadn't truly witnessed it in my life, much less in my child's.

Peyton had to have a few test run at the hospital today, all came back normal by the way, but regardless...
for a 9 year old, 19 year old, 39 year old or 99 year old the hosptial can be a very spooky place.

Today it was an ultrasound and an Upper GI series.....we had the ultrasound, bingo no big deal, the GI a different story....thinking about swallowing that crap on an empty stomach didn't sound too appealing to anyone much less a 9 year old. 

We were sitting there waiting to be called back and then all of a sudden we heard his name called and when we stood up to go...low and behold there was Ms. Becky.  Peyton's face went relaxed and his shoulders showed no fear....I nearly cried at the sight of her because I knew Peyton would feel much more calm with someone he knew.

***Okay this is the awesome part.....Ms. Becky is Cooper's best friend Walker's Grandmother.  Cooper met Walker THIS year in school at ELCA....we first met Ms. Becky with Walker at karate (Walker and Peyton take lessons at the same studio) then again at Walker's bday party, she and Walker's family are the neatest thing in our life since God gave us Gran and family.  God knew when he put Walker and Cooper together that today would occur....HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!

God knew Peyton's steps and had them ordered....today it was obvious.  I nearly cry just sitting here thinking about how awesome God really is.  Peyton did the test BEAUTIFULLY...no tears, no hesitations, or reservations.  It was a really cool day for me.  I felt God's peace and presence, just like Peyton did.

God thank you for keeping your promises to us, I am humbled once again by your Awesomeness!!